Trying to think of something to write for this month, and at this moment, there is nothing I have in mind. It’s amazing how the mind closes down when one needs to have it running at least at minimal speed. Let me see where my fingertips on this keyboard will take me. Yeah, I’m chuckling to myself.

So, it’s 2025, and some of you have been sitting on an idea, or ideas, for how long? Five to ten-plus years? Sure, there may be a few that will never get done. The support, financial or otherwise, might not be available. Over time, you’ve found reason after reason to place more fat on the excuses that were once weaklings in your presence.
Well, guess what happened between the then and the now – TIME. Like many of you, I regularly go through “phases” of counting my “excuses” like so many ducks in a row. As a creative person, I know some ideas won’t be completed in this lifetime. So, while the number grew exponentially, I decided to “small-step” it.
I always said I was going to write that book, but I could never get started. Well, I wrote two paragraphs daily, and before I knew it, the book told me what to write. Sometimes, playing a few notes on my guitar or trying to learn a popular song would be the path to my own musical creation or melody. Some ideas will jump out at you like a bear in the woods, and you’re forced to deal with them on the spot. Some of my sculptures started off with a few chisel chips flying off a log, and then, before I knew it, it started taking shape.
The exact amount of time spent not doing something could have been used doing something to bring that idea to life. If an excuse has enough weight, we’ve been trained to watch the “idiot box” (a common term my father used for TV). Putting off the “small step” that could be taken. If not the “box,” it’s always something else.
Now that I enjoy designing games, there are so many ideas that I’m forced to put a lid on some of them. I’m just saying those ideas that you feel may be beyond your grasp may very well become the love of your life. Take an hour in your day to brush up on something you’ve been thinking about, that story, that book, that design, that project that’s been calling you to do.
Ideas are not a fast-food experience. There’s some growth in the project and hopefully growth in us while achieving it. Let your baby steps become adult-size steps; surprise yourself. You’ll never know how far your ideas will go if you keep putting fat on your excuses.
See? I didn’t know where my fingertips would take me until I let them take a stroll on the keyboard. Have a good day, and open up your box of great ideas!